Saturday, May 7, 2016

Making of The STEM Inquirer Weekly Broadcast

By Fatima Boumahchad
Not only is The STEM Inquirer starting a newspaper, but they are also starting a news show! Be sure to tune in every week to view the Weekly Inquirer News show!
Students working on the weekly broadcast of The STEM Inquirer
To make this show possible, there is a group of scriptwriters, news anchors, and a camera man who work every week to prepare the video. At the start of the week, the script writers and the news anchors work on writing the script for the broadcast of that week. The next day, recording the video begins. Prior to recording, we review the script to make sure that all our lines make sense and are well-prepared. Once we start recording, we take multiple shots throughout the week to ensure quality.
At times, short clips and interviews may be incorporated to relate to the story. By Friday, the video is completed and ready to publish on the website for Newsroom. If you are interested in watching these weekly broadcasts, feel free to check us out on the website!