Thursday, December 19, 2013

Parent Town Hall Meeting December 17, 2013

Parent Town Hall Meeting
December 17, 2013

The purpose of the established Town Hall Meetings is to address issues and get feedback from parents.   We have 2 future Town Hall meetings scheduled:  Wednesday, February 19 and Wednesday, April 16 - both will begin at 5:00 pm unless a time change is announced.

o   We will make every effort to make the decision to call a PLAN E day by 6:00 am.  
o   Notice of a PLAN E day will be posted on our web site, Facebook, WDTN (Channel 2), and a Constant Contact email will be sent to parents.
o   WDTN offers "text alerts" and parents can subscribe to DRSS to receive notification by text.
o   DRSS is currently researching and investigating the costs to purchase the "One Call Now" service. In addition to the Plan E day notification, this service could be used for special events, etc.
o   Parents ultimately have the final say as to whether or not to bring your child to school due to inclement weather. A child will be excused as long as the parent contacts the school with that information.

o  Monday at 11:30, a 6th grader reported to the administration that there was some writing on the bathroom wall, threatening in nature.
o  The Kettering Police were contacted and have been on campus multiple times and will continue to be here this week.
o  The administration spoke to the 6th graders separately - then the 7th and 8th graders.
o  The investigation is continuing and the matter is taken seriously.
o  Teachers have gone through training for evacuations.   The new philosophy is to LEAVE the building when safe  (ALICE PROGRAM)- as quickly as you can.
o  A drill was conducted in November and the students did a great job in evacuating the building. 
o  We are not taking this threat, or any future threat lightly.

o   Exhibition Night, Dedication of the new building and Community Partner Awards on November 15. 
o   Building was filled with student excitement and pride.

o   We are currently talking with Think TV to form a partnership with the school.     More details will follow once the partnership details have been firmed up.
o   Think TV is also working with us on a project with the Newport Aquarium in conjunction with our biology class, art class and our wellness and fitness class.  This is sure to be an exciting project.
o   Air Force Research Lab and WSU are looking to create 2 learning facilities on our campus in space that has yet to be developed. These learning facilities will be a one of a kind model, building on the STEM concept. These opportunities are very exciting to showcase our school.

o   In 2009, the board stated that we would provide supervision for students until 5:00 pm. This after school program has grown, and we currently have 3 hired staff people to supervise this care. We are looking at charging parents a minimal cost for this care beginning in the 2014-2015 school year. The board is considering this recommendation.

o   Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance awards will be given out at the end of the first semester and at the end of the school year.

o   June 7, 2014 Ceremony at Kettering Fairmont Auditorium

o   Two former music teachers have approached us with a proposal to offer an after school music program at a minimal cost to parents.   We will be doing a survey of the students in January to            gauge their interests and make a decision to proceed with this program.
o   We have an Acapella music program that was started by the students this year and we currerntly have about 19 students that are participating in this program.  The students performed at the              Board Meeting last Wednesday evening and will perform for the student body on Friday.

o   In the process of interviewing 4 candidates for the Communications/Partnerships position that was vacated by Laurie McFarlin.   We should be able to make an offer by the end of the week.

o   One of our First Lego League teams got 3rd place in a recent competition.

o   Our CyberPatriots teams continue to do well.  One of our teams placed 10th out of 600 teams Nationally. 2 other DRSS teams placed in the top 200. 

EXTRA $$$:
o   We have approximately $120,000 left over from the Phase I building project that needs to be used on ONLY Phase I.   We are looking at building some walls around a couple of more classrooms and some other improvements to that portion of the facility.

o   PSAT test results went home with students last week.
o   Our students did very well. - Ms. Fisher will have a composite of the results soon.  Look for this on our website.
o   We are waiting for the return of the EXPLORE (9th Grade) and PLAN (10th Grade) test results. These will be returned to the students sometime in the new year.

o   A parent asked how board members were selected and if parents have ever been considered for a position.
o   The board is looking at a succession plan for a 2 year or 3 year term.
o   Email Dr. Lewis if you have further questions (
o   Parents asked about the formation of a parent group.   As the school has grown, it is good to keep parents informed and involved.
o   A Survey Monkey will be sent out after the first of the year to gage the interest in forming a group. 
o   If any one is interested in the start up of such a group, please let Dr. Lewis know.

o   A parent asked about future organized sports. 
o   There are no plans to have athletics at DRSS.
o   Students are allowed to participate in sports at their resident district
o   We are part of the NCAA Clearinghouse if a student is interested in pursuing athletics in a Division I college.