Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PBL Puts the "Fun" in Fundraising

By Apurva Makote

The 8th graders at STEM have recently finished a fundraising project for the school. The purpose of the project was to help with improving the former Dollar General space. As the students worked on the project they had to try to answer the driving question: "How will DRSS provide opportunities for families, volunteers, and other interested parties to participate in the fundraising necessary for expanding our facilities?"
They started the project by first creating a case statement about why their selected donors should donate money to DRSS. Then they created three different donation plans that potential donors could choose from while donating. The three plans were a one-time donation of a certain amount, a monthly donation plan, and a membership + monthly donation. Each group was assigned to create plans for one of the following locations:
-       IT Collaboration Space
-       Engineering and Manufacturing Center
-       3D Printing and Laser Cutting Center
-       Auditorium & Presentation Space
-       Classrooms
-       Conference Rooms
After the students created the case and donor plans they created a final product (website, video, PowerPoint, etc.) that could be shown to potential donors to help them choose which of the three donation plans they are going to use. During the project students learned about slope intercept form and how to write the equation of a line given a scenario.
“We decided to try this project this year because we wanted our first 8th grade Algebra I students to be engaged in a real-world understanding of this new content” said Ms. Vazquez, an 8th grade math teacher at DRSS. “I hope that students can begin to appreciate the opportunities they have here at DRSS and realize that this type of educational experience is actually quite expensive. Even more than that, I also hope they realize how much support they have from the community around them - we all want what’s best for them. And, of course, I also want them to walk away understanding linear relationships at a foundational level.”
You can see their work (along with other projects) on display at our upcoming Exhibition Night on December 8, 2016, from 5-7PM. This event is free and open to the entire community.