Sunday, September 13, 2015

FTC Robotics Team Kicks Off 2015/2016 Competition Year

On Saturday, our First Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics team, DRSS Enterprise, spent the day at the season kickoff and challenge "reveal" at iSpace in Cincinnati. In the morning, while waiting for the worldwide review, teams from all over Ohio met and traded knowledge, hints, and "war stories." Our team was asked to organize a mentor/rookie "match up" for the teams in Ohio and Northern Kentucky, so they manned a booth all day and collected information from experienced teams and from rookie teams that need mentoring. Additionally, since we are one of the top rated teams when it comes to engineering documentation, Terra, Niky, and Alan were asked by other teams for help improving their engineering journals. 

DRSS Enterprise at iSpace in Cincinnati
When the challenge was finally revealed at noon, our teams were in for quite a surprise. This year's challenge is one of the most complex in years, with plenty of engineering challenges to overcome. To see for yourself, check out the video on YouTube.

And so, the competition season begins!