Tuesday, January 28, 2014

DRSS will be open Wednesday, January 29th

Dear Parents, 

The forecast for tomorrow morning is for temperatures to be between 4 and 4 below. We are aware that several districts will be on a 2 hour delay,  but believe that we should be in session and hold school.  Parents always have the final decision regarding student attendance in matters of poor weather. Tomorrow is no different.

If your resident district busses and this is your child's only transportation option, we will of course, honor that delay, otherwise, please plan on being at school by 8:15 am.  Those who carpool or ride public transportation should make plans to arrive by 8:15am.  Again, it is your decisionto determine the safest option for your child's arrival at DRSS.  

Our doors will be open at 7:30 with classes beginning at 8:15 as usual. Tardies and absences will be excused with parent acknowledgement.
Thank you for your patience in this brutal January.            
Dr. Jeff Lewis
Jeffrey K. Lewis, Ed.D.
Chief Academic Officer/Principal

Dayton Regional STEM School

1724 Woodman Drive

Kettering, OH 45420

phone - (937) 256-3777     facsimile - (937) 256-7655