Monday, November 4, 2013

Junior College Visit to UK - 11/18/13

Dear Junior Parents,

On Monday, November 18 we have arranged to take the junior class on a college visit to the University of Kentucky. Here are the details:

There is no cost for this tip
Transportation,  continental breakfast and lunch are included
Departure time: 6:30am
Arrival time back to DRSS: between 4:30-5:00pm
Students will hear an admissions presentation, be a part of a student panel, be able to participate in a college fair with all college representatives, and receive a campus tour

There will be no junior classes at DRSS on this date, so students should either attend this event or plan their own college visit for this day. In order to determine transportation needs I need to determine how many of our students will be visiting UK with us on 11/18. I am attaching a participation form. Please fill this out and have your student return it to the folder outside my office by Friday, November 8.

UK Parent Form

Please contact me with any questions.


Robin Fisher