Sunday, July 21, 2013

CyberPatriot Recruitment

Dear parents of all High School Students:
Dayton Regional STEM School is planning the 2013-14 CyberPatriot and other cybersecurity competitions.  Last year was the first CyberPatriot competition for the school and we placed third in Ohio.

The CyberPatriot program is the premiere national high school cyber defense competition and was created to inspire high school students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)  disciplines critical to our nation’s future.  See attachment and web site linked below.

We also competed in the Carnegie Mellon picoCTF competition and hope to participate again this year.

In addition we may add the US Cyber Challenge competitions (CyberFoundation and CyberQuest).

If interested please email Dr Brian Kowal at with the following information:

Student Name:
Student Grade:
Parent Name:
Student Email Address:
Parent Email Address:
Contact Phone Number:
Parent Able To Assist (Y/N)?:
Parent Cyber Background: